Buzzsprout vs. Captivate – A Head-to-Head Comparison

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Nora Sudduth - Hello Audio Co-Founder

Turn your content into private podcasts so your audience can listen to everything on the go. Try Hello Audio (for free) for 7 days!

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As a podcast creator, recording content is only one part of the job. You must also edit, publish, and promote your podcast.

Fortunately, you can leverage various podcast hosting services for efficiency and convenience. Among the options are Buzzsprout and Captivate.

Now, you might be curious to know how these platforms compare so that you can choose the best one for you.

This article provides a detailed comparison of Buzzsprout vs Captivate.

TL;DR – Buzzsprout vs. Captivate

Short on time and can’t read this in-depth article now? Here’s a concise review of these podcast-hosting services.

Buzzsprout Captivate
Buzzsprout is a podcast-hosting platform that you can use to manage and monetize your content.Captivate is a content-hosting service you can use to host and promote your content.
Free website for paid plans
Advanced analytics to track listener behavior
Easy to set up and use for beginners
You can create visual soundbites to promote your podcast on social media platforms
Unlimited hosting storage
Has a customizable, embeddable player
Provides a code-free customizable website for premium users
Supports dynamic ad insertion
The tiered pricing plans are often confusing
They limit how many podcast hours you upload a month
Doesn’t support video podcasting
You cannot record your podcast on Captivate
Best ForBest For
Best for professional podcasters who need studio-level audio quality but do not create content regularlyBest for professional creators looking for a hosting platform to publish and promote their podcast

As a creator looking for a platform to host your content, you can opt for either Buzzsprout or Captivate.

But what happens when you need to repurpose old media files or create private podcasts? Use Hello Audio to repurpose content with private podcasts.

Our consolidated podcast solution simplifies reusing your existing audio and video content to create private podcasts. You can also use it to segment your listeners, manage content access, and monitor analytics.

Sign up to Hello Audio today and unlock your 7-day free trial!

Serious office worker at desk with dual screens and wearing over-ear headphones.

What is Buzzsprout? 

Buzzsprout is among the popular podcast-hosting services you can use to manage and distribute content. It acts as a link between creators and podcast directories.

Also, you can use the platform to optimize your content, including upscaling audio quality and generating transcripts.

Buzzsprout Homepage

What Does Buzzsprout Do?

Buzzsprout provides a central point for managing and monetizing your content. As a creator, you can use the platform to record your podcast.

When your content is ready to publish, Buzzsprout distributes the podcast to popular directories like Podcast Addict, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.

Buzzsprout also has an affiliate program that you can leverage to diversify your income. You can pick affiliate partners and insert dynamic ads in their content. 

How Much Does Buzzsprout Cost?

Below, we have simplified Buzzsprout’s subscription packages.

  • Unpaid plan: Offers a maximum of 2 podcast hours a month.
  • $12 plan: Allows 3 podcast hours monthly and additional hosting space at $4 per hour.
  • $18 plan: You can access up to 6 hours monthly, then $3 for each additional podcast hour.
  • $24 plan: Gets you 12 hours monthly and additional hosting space at $2 hourly.

In addition to the subscription plans:

  • The Magic Mastering tool costs $6, $9, or $12, depending on your plan
  • Cohost AI costs $10, $20, or $30 monthly

Finally, Buzzsprout withholds 15% of any income you generate through the platform.

What is Captivate?

Captivate is a podcast tool that helps you grow your audience and monetize your content. 

Like other hosting platforms, Captivate provides built-in tools for publishing and promoting podcasts.

Captivate Homepage

What Does Captivate Do?

Captivate is a creator-centered hosting platform that provides tools for marketing your podcast and building a community of listeners. 

It also offers training courses for aspiring creators.

How Much Does Captivate Cost?

Captivate offers three subscription plans, as highlighted below:

  • Personal Plan: $19 monthly. This package limits your profile to 30,000 downloads.
  • Professional Plan: $49 monthly, limiting your account to 150,000 downloads.
  • Business bundle: $99 monthly and allows up to 300,000 downloads.

Creators often focus only on subscription costs and overlook other deductions affecting their income. One such deduction is the commission withheld by Captivate for any revenues generated on the platform.

Let’s outline it below:

  • A 14.9% commission for revenue generated from memberships + an additional $0.30 per transaction.
  • A 7.9% flat-rate fee for collected tips + $0.30 per transaction.

What About Hello Audio? 

HelloAudio Homepage

We launched Hello Audio to meet creators’ need for a ‘true’ all-in-one podcast management platform. Our hosting service allows you to create, optimize, distribute, manage, and monetize your content. Hello Audio also helps you leverage the different ways private podcasts can help you connect with your audience.  

Below is a quick rundown of Hello Audio’s key features:

  • Content reformatting: You can repurpose old media files, including past webinars, training sessions, and call replays, by converting them into podcast episodes.
  • Easy integrations: Supports tools like Zapier and Convertkit for automated workflows and processes.
  • Dynamic ad insertion: Lets you place pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ads for optimal audience engagement.
  • Audience segmentation: Allows you to use tags to organize and curate your content for your listeners.
  • Publishing and promotion: Delivers your content to all major podcast directories, including Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify.
  • Content monetization: Allows you to share subscription-based content to diversify your income stream.
  • Advanced analytics: Provides insight into listener behavior and podcast performance.

Thousands of creators currently use Hello Audio to repurpose their media files and create private podcasts for their audience.

Explore our Hello Audio success stories to learn how private and corporate podcasters have leveraged Hello Audio to build a community around their brands.

Relevant Characteristics Between Buzzsprout and Captivate

Looking for a side-by-side comparison of Buzzsprout vs Captivate? 

Below is a detailed summary of each platform’s characteristics, including how they compare to our platform – Hello Audio:

BuzzsproutCaptivateHello Audio
Plan FlexibilityIncludes a free plan and paid subscription packages.Offers a free trial and paid monthly plans.Offers a 7-day free trial, after which you can purchase a monthly or yearly subscription plan.
Onboarding and Setup ProcessEasy to set up, but you might need technical support assistance.Offers onboarding training courses if you are a beginner, but the programs are extended and require at least 28 days to complete.Provides video tutorials for beginners looking to set up their podcasts. 

Also, has a responsive customer support service that helps you resolve any issues you might encounter when setting up.
Episode ManagementLimited flexibility, as you can only organize episodes based on their publishing dates.Limited management options as episodes are organized depending on when they were publishedYou can use tags to curate your podcast feed. You can also categorize an episode as either private or public.
Advanced AnalyticsAllows you to monitor podcast performance, trends, and episode downloads.Enables you to track listener behavior, episode performance, and ad reach.Provides access to detailed analytics about listeners, including their subscription status, most-liked episodes, and average playtime.

Also, integrates with third-party analytics tools like Chartable for advanced tracking.
Website IntegrationLimited integration options with tools like Chartable, Alitu, and Podtrac.Supports several tools, including Descript and Zapier.Integrates with numerous tools, such as Zapier, Convertkit, ThriveCart, Descript, ActiveCampaign, etc.
Customizable Podcast PlayerIncludes an embeddable podcast player with limited customization options.Has an embeddable media player that you can customize to match your brand theme.Provides a customizable player that you can style and embed on your site.
Community and SupportBuzzsprout Podcast Community on FacebookCaptivate Exclusive Facebook Groups and Growth LabsHello Audio Facebook Group, personalized feeds to engage listeners, subscription reminders, and customized email texts.
Monetization StrategiesBuzzsprout ads, affiliate marketing, membership plansCaptivate Audio Monetization and Insertion Engine, affiliate marketing, sponsorshipsSubscription-based access, dynamic ad insertion, sponsorships, exclusive premium episodes

Similarities and Differences

Buzzsprout and Captivate have unique features, but they also have many similarities. Below, let’s explore the platforms’ similarities and differences.

Buzzsprout and Captivate Differences 

Here are three ways Buzzsprout differs from Captivate:

  • Podcast storage: Buzzsprout limits your upload hours based on your paid plan, while Captivate provides unlimited storage.
  • Commission and fees: Buzzsprout charges a 15% flat rate for revenues generated through its platform, while Captivate withholds 14.9% for membership-based fees and 7.9% for collected tips.
  • Minimum withdrawable amount: Buzzsprout states that you can withdraw earnings when a listener subscribes to your podcast. In contrast, you must reach a $10 minimum balance to withdraw your earnings on Captivate.

Buzzsprout and Captivate Similarities

Below are four similarities between Buzzsprout and Captivate.

  • Subscription plans: Neither platforms offer a free plan but includes a limited free trial.
  • Integrations: The platforms support integrations with third-party tools to enhance functionality.
  • Media player: Both hosting services include a customizable, embeddable player.
  • Podcast website: Both platforms offer a free website for your podcast when on a paid plan.

Condenser microphone on table for recording.

Bottom Line

Both platforms have distinct features that are suitable for different types of podcasters.

For example, we recommend using Buzzsprout if you do not create content regularly. You can buy Buzzsprout’s basic plan, which gives you up to 3 upload hours monthly.

In contrast, if you record podcast episodes regularly, opt for Captivate, as the platform offers unlimited storage. However, remember that Captivate charges for downloads, which could be expensive if you have a huge audience.

But if you’re looking to publish a private or public podcast or need to repurpose old media files to monetize the content, you need a different podcast hosting platform: Hello Audio!

Our hosting service allows you to create, distribute, and promote your content to generate revenue. You can also repurpose your online courses, blogs, coaching sessions, and PDFs into private podcasts, making it easy for listeners to consume your content on the go.

Ready to start your podcasting journey or migrate from your old hosting platform? Sign up to Hello Audio and start your 7-day free trial today.

Casual broadcast atmosphere.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Still trying to understand podcast-hosting platforms? We answer the most commonly asked questions below:

Which Platform is the Best for Private Podcasting for Brands?

Hello Audio is undoubtedly the best private podcast hosting service.    

Our platform lets you repurpose old content into private podcast feeds. You can also manage which members can play the feeds, including revoking their access at your discretion.

What Are the Unique Branding Features Offered by Buzzsprout Compared to Captivate?

Buzzsprout and Captivate offer unique branding features to help you set your podcast apart. Let’s highlight the features below:


  • You can share visual soundbites on your social media accounts to promote your podcast.
  • Offers a customizable player that you can style to match your brand and website theme.
  • Has a built-in marketplace where you can pick affiliate programs that align with your brand.


  • Provides call-to-action buttons and links that boost engagement and entice listeners to consume your content.
  • Allows you to include your social media accounts on your Captivate profile and site.
  • A comprehensive media kit helps you showcase your brand’s and podcast’s engagement metrics to potential sponsors.

How Do Buzzsprout and Captivate Compare in Terms of SEO Optimization Features for Podcasts?

Both platforms include SEO tools to help your podcast episodes rank on search engines and directories. The platforms also publish your episodes in major podcast directories and allow you to build customizable podcast websites to enhance online visibility.

The only difference between the platforms is podcast transcription. Buzzsprout allows you to auto-generate transcripts, while Captivate does not have a built-in transcription tool, which can affect your rankings.

Nora Sudduth - Hello Audio Co-Founder

Turn your content into private podcasts so your audience can listen to everything on the go. Try Hello Audio (for free) for 7 days!

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Nora Sudduth
Nora Sudduth
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