Angie Swapped Webinars For Private Podcasts and Sold Out Her Launch in 3 Days

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Angie Jordan Swapped Webinars for Private Podcasts

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Discover how Angie Jordan used Hello Audio to sell out her launch and make $10K in just 3 days!


As a podcast coach who helps entrepreneurs launch podcasts that sell offers and grow businesses, Angie Jordan clearly understands the power of audio. She calls herself the Podcast Launch Bestie, and for good reason! She’s helped so many people create sustainable, smart, fun shows that can function as an anchor for online marketing efforts. 

On top of that, she has her finger on the pulse of marketing trends. She had a hunch that webinars were no longer accessible. That’s when she decided to make her training REALLY fit into people’s lives with Hello Audio.

Spoiler Alert—it worked! And she has the receipts to prove it


Angie Chose Hello Audio as an Alternative to Webinars

While webinars may have been best practice a few years ago, they’re not as accessible as they used to be…and Angie understood that.

“I had this feeling in the industry that webinars are just not as accessible. People don’t want to sit down and watch a webinar for an hour or come at that exact time. So, I wanted to make my training more accessible to people on the go and to really fit into people’s lives.”

Her goal was to increase the number of people who actually showed up for her training compared to her previous webinars. On top of that, SHE didn’t want to do webinars anymore. The amount of prep time that goes into hosting a webinar can be extensive, not to mention the time needed to run the live event itself. 

“Obviously, it lends itself to my brand more because I am in podcasting, but I wanted to leverage the power of audio to sell. And that’s something that I’m really passionate about and really want to use this model going forward.”

Consequently, Angie decided to try Hello Audio and create a private podcast sales event to warm up her audience for the launch of a new product.


The Private Podcast Feed Sold Out Her Launch in 3 Days and Had Higher Conversions

Angie advertised her sales event as a three-day private podcast event. Her idea was to keep it live for three days, shut it down, and then launch and sell her offer for a week afterward. Ideally, the three-day event would warm them up and then an email sequence would funnel them towards her new offer. Let’s just say that things went VERY well.

In fact, she actually sold out her launch BEFORE she could do an email sequence! Because of that, she ended up bringing in $10K before the event even closed. 

“I had 86 people sign up. I had a conversion rate of 6%. I think that out of the people who signed up, almost 95% of them actually downloaded. In the past, webinar conversions were 2-3% and the people who showed up I think had a show up rate of 40% at best.”

While Angie already understood how to leverage the power of audio, these numbers were still astounding! She now plans to use this model once a month going forward and she loves that her rate of people actually showing up for training is so much higher.

“My conversions are higher and I’m now able to really play with how to sell through audio and dig in with that. I’m very, very pleased and it means a lot for my business that I won’t have to show up and do things that I don’t enjoy and I can show up and do them in audio.”


Angie’s Audience LOVED The Private Podcast Experience

By swapping webinars for private podcasts, Angie clearly understood the needs of her audience. Not everyone can schedule time for a webinar, sit and watch an hour long video, or even participate. Private podcasts, however, give people the freedom to listen on the go and on their schedule. They can even pause the feed and pick right back up where they left off whenever it suits them.

That’s why it wasn’t a surprise when her audience absolutely LOVED her three-day private podcast event. 

“I got so much feedback! This was my first time doing a private feed of any kind. People really resonated. They really loved it! Even people who didn’t think they were my ideal clients loved that idea.”

She still has people ask her about creating private podcasts and how it worked for her business. Overall, people found it easy to use and they had a positive experience.

“I think that was what most surprised me. To see that people were really excited, that people REALLY listened.”


Angie Recommends Hello Audio For Anyone Who Doesn’t Want To Do Webinars

After having such a positive experience with her private podcast feed, Angie believes Hello Audio is the perfect solution for those who don’t want to do webinars anymore.

“I think that it’s perfect for anyone doing an online business who has to do a sales event. I think it also would be perfect for anyone in email marketing. So, in lieu of sending a weekly newsletter, sending out a weekly audio would also be a really powerful tool.”

She also emphasizes that private podcasts are GREAT for users who want information on demand. If you have users who don’t want to sit through long webinars, private podcasts are the optimal solution. 

“They can do it on the go. They don’t have to sit down at a computer and go through this training.”

It’s also incredibly simple to set up! Angie recorded her entire feed from her bed. So, not only is Hello Audio more accessible for users, it’s accessible for creators as well. 

“It’s just more access, easier to listen to, and easier to put together.”


Want to Create Your Own Private Podcast Feed?

Watch our FREE Hello Audio Instant Demo! You’ll learn about the different types of private feeds, which ones may be right for you, actionable steps to create and deliver your first private feed, and LOTS of helpful resources.

You already know you’ve got something important to share, otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. Let’s get your content into your audience’s ears as soon as possible. Start your free trial today and get all the support you need to add value to courses and funnels while WOWing customers. Let’s make it happen!

Your audience is mobile, your content should be too

Nora Sudduth - Hello Audio Co-Founder

Turn your content into private podcasts so your audience can listen to everything on the go. Try Hello Audio (for free) for 7 days!

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Nora Sudduth
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